Thursday 26 September 2013

Consumer Culture

                              Consumer Culture

There are four main consumer groups
1. The Main Streamer's- they make up about 40% of consumers. They need security, safety, and brand loyalty, and most importantly the need of trust. 
2. The succeeder's - which are the use of success, the type of people who does not like flying. The succeder's are controlling, they tend to run their own company and they give people money to but their product to sell. 
3. The Reformer's- this consumer groups are becoming very powerful. They tend to go to a former's to buy fresh product. The reformers can change the world, they reformed things, they are interested in quality and they will pay more, they are very good because they can pay more than a very good money in order to provide them with a good quality of product. Reformers are very important. 
4. The Aspirer's-  they aspire to be on a higher social status. Main streamers are more likely to buy their food online, but the aspirer's will buy their food in the supermarket, and social status so it is all about branding. 

Grayson Perry

Grayson Perry 

Looks at different culture and looks at how people dress them self and how they live. His question on the video that we watched was "what is a higher and working class?" on the video that I seen from our comms lesson I wrote down some notes about these higher and working class question and I answered them myself. The points that I wrote down, I found it very interesting simply because Grayson Perry looked at different things for e.g. Great Appreciation about different cars and sculpture, he looked and compared the good branded cars and the Normal ones,  and I was amazed by the worth of those cars, He  pointed out how expensive those cars are and he pointed out how only the higher working class would be able to afford to buy those expensive cars. 

He also looked at how tattoo's are now acceptable because of their religion, from the video that I watched in my lesson, I found it very interesting when he was asking the people about the different meanings of the tattoo and that they are not doing it for a design on their body, they decided to put the tattoo on their body because it represents Family or any other reason. But what I found weird is that nowadays the percentage of money is mostly spent on people who wants to put a tattoo on them, rather than buying food or their own clothes? is that even okay? I don;t think so, i THINK I would NEVER  put a tattoo on me not unless there is a very good reason, cause I would never waste my money on a tattoo for myself, I would be more happier to buy food for myself rather than using the money for a new tattoo. 

Pierre Bourdieu

Pierre Bourdieu

argues that the culture of the dominant class is only regarded as superior, because it holds power in society and is able to claim that its cultural forms are better than those in working class. 

Class and Taste

influenced by class, members of the upper class are most likely to enjoy what he calls legitimate taste, high or brow and literature. e.g. music, intellectual films and modern art. The working class and less intellectual members of the higher classes. 

Cultural Capital

Not only observes that people's cultural tastes are influenced by class, he also points out the role culture plays  in reproducing class relations in society. Bourdieu argues that individuals can improve their social class position by possessing not only economic capital (wealth), but also what he calls cultural capital. 

my first identity video link
my first practice identity video

The Filipino Culture

 Filipino Culture 

the beautiful islands and the food that we eat, and how do we celebrate christmas.