Thursday 26 September 2013

Consumer Culture

                              Consumer Culture

There are four main consumer groups
1. The Main Streamer's- they make up about 40% of consumers. They need security, safety, and brand loyalty, and most importantly the need of trust. 
2. The succeeder's - which are the use of success, the type of people who does not like flying. The succeder's are controlling, they tend to run their own company and they give people money to but their product to sell. 
3. The Reformer's- this consumer groups are becoming very powerful. They tend to go to a former's to buy fresh product. The reformers can change the world, they reformed things, they are interested in quality and they will pay more, they are very good because they can pay more than a very good money in order to provide them with a good quality of product. Reformers are very important. 
4. The Aspirer's-  they aspire to be on a higher social status. Main streamers are more likely to buy their food online, but the aspirer's will buy their food in the supermarket, and social status so it is all about branding. 

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