Wednesday 16 October 2013

why does music mean so much to me?

 Why does music means so much to me? 

When I was born I inherited a talent from my mom’s family side, I came from a background where my mom’s family side are really good when it comes to singing. I started singing at the age of seven, I used to go to my uncle’s house all the time back then when I used to live in the Philippines, and it was him who taught me how to sing at that age, and then from now on ever since I started singing, I get asked to perform anywhere, with and without confidence or practice I still do it because I am used to it People asked me if I do any voice lessons or is that my natural voice. I get compliments about how well I did during those performances that I have done. I may need some improvements on my singing right now because I don’t think I am a good singer.

I listen to music every day when I go to college and back.  To me, music is good because it shows a feeling, some lyrics has a deep meaning that can make my personality better. It the most common hobby that people do and it is definitely my one of my hobby. I used to listen to one music all the time, just to get the meaning of that one piece of music, if I am not in a good mood I will listen to a song and write down some words that might mean to me and that can make me feel better. Or if I feel like making a cover of a song that I really like I do it, but then  I don’t like showing my face, I just put up a picture of myself and record the instrumental and sing and do my cover then edit the video and then published it on YouTube or Facebook.

Music is a big thing nowadays, we have some cultural products for example an iPod that you can store a lot of songs in one item, and we have mobile phones where you can download any songs and then listen to music. I think that for most people music can be important, because we have some famous people in the world and they idolized them and make them their role model. Another reason why music is so important is that because music has become identity of the nations, it is played with anthems the music is so associated with the culture and its activities. In every country we have the national anthems that represent their country.

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