Thursday 3 October 2013

The Positives and Negatives of a Teenager

Exemplify or provide an example of a positive and negative of a teenager 
Positive Example: most teenagers go through a lot of things nowadays, they experience the hard and easy life, for e.g. when it comes to family problems it is their family or friends they tell it to.
 Most teenagers find their life hard, and an example of this is when they are starting in a new college, their parents might interrupt and tell them what subject they should take in order to have a good future and to succeed in their life well.
However most teenagers do not listen to their parents or other people, they tend to do what they want without getting an advice from anyone. And as a result of this, their good mood swings changes from good to bad because they didn't take the advice from their parents.
I think with all generations teenagers are how they are raised. They take on the views of their parents and can be open minded like their parents. Things in the world have changed so much and they have seen a lot of it happen. I do think that has made them more opened minded and accepting of others. I think that they understand the need for higher education after high school and have been planning their futures.
 Negative Example: there are different reasons of a negative of a teenager, the main ones are  they Don't finish what they start, Don't stay focused on a job, Take way too many breaks and for too long, Live on the phone instead of the real world, screw around rather than work (texting, phoning, flirting with passersby and etc.

The other one I am going to explain is that older people thinks that teenagers are rude to everyone and that they have no respect. That most teenagers hang around in groups in the street so that elderly people may be likely to call them names like gangster, chavs, or anything else that they can call the teenagers.
 I supposed that most teenagers parents thinks in the same way if their daughter or son is not educated, most parents and other relatives thinks that as a teenager they do not do nothing but vandalising, terrorising elderly people and all those stereo types.

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